Monday, September 7, 2015

Maybe there's more to Imagination....

“imagination: every one is jostled by it, but some are overthrown by it.”

For as long as I can remember I have been full of imagination. One of my favorite things in life is dreaming and using my imagination to be creative and fulfill my hopes. The word imagination has always been something positive in my life; a way to describe the interworking of my thoughts and dreams. I was excited to read Montaigne’s “Of the Force of the Imagination” because I thought it would emphasize the power and the importance of the imagination. Instead it seems that Montaigne was questioning the power of imagination to take over an individual and those around them.

“’tis quite another thing, when the imagination works not only upon one’s own particular body, but upon that of others also.”

I don’t know that I fully connected with the point Montaigne was trying to make. However, his essay did get me thinking about another aspect of imagination. When someone becomes consumed with an idea, they start to embrace that concept. Their enthusiasm and attachment to that idea can then lend itself to others, and in a way it seems the imagination of one person has become contagious, plaguing others. It’s interesting to think about the power imagination can have over ourselves, and the people that surround us. Though this power can be positive and productive to our lives, it is also the type of power that can turn into a type of evil or negativity. Montaigne’s essay made me start to consider that there’s more to imagination than the positive dreams, imagination can fuel the negative as well.

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