Sunday, July 12, 2015

Change for the better

            There is something that could be said about those that don't want to do anything. Those individuals probably won't bother with doing everything necessary for the advancement of their own knowledge. This can't be stressed enough with the advent of such technologies that make knowledge more readily accessible such as the internet, but those with access would more often then not, completely disregard that opportunity that would present itself. However, this unfortunate example is only affected by a select few that choose that path of the blissfully ignorant. That couldn't have been more true regarding a certain few and I would have included myself in that description a while ago. Although, thankfully, I have changed for the better. These people are the few that could be flaneurs be it though asking questions and finding answers or observing rather than seeing. By bringing through the concept of consequence of being a "seeing" person rather than being an "observant" person. I've seen this happen more than once and it's not just because I was in one of the biggest tourist cities in the world, but it's anywhere with lots of visitors that look and end up "oohing" and "ahhing" which should not come as a surprise when these are those that do just see and be easily amazed. There is not another thing that could be said about those individuals other than the fact that they can change their situation by themselves if they only would want to. In light of this fact there aren't any others that could complete that requirement by themselves. The only thing left if for the self-realization of them becoming something that they are not, to become something that is entirely unique on it's own. The power of the freedom of choice is immense.   

1 comment:

  1. DUDE! This chronique (unfortunately) literally explains my life while being back from Paris. I have been a fool for the past 6 or so weeks; I've been distracted by nothing, which prevented me from finishing this portfolio and final project. Yeah sure, I could have chosen to be productive and get this whole thing out of the way, but no: I didn't do that. Instead, I left myself float without giving much thought to what I was doing with my life. While, I'm done with my final now, I still haven't a clue why I let myself procrastinate this long. Could it be because I don't recognize the power of our "freedom of choice"?
