Sunday, July 12, 2015

Modernity is Incomplete

            Modernity is a finicky subject to talk about as the definition of "modernity" and "modern" has been muddled and thrown about to suit the needs of a particular group of people. In fact the word "modern" should be used to distinguish the present from the pass, from the Latin root "modernus". We would like to be able to differentiate ourselves in the present from the past and although we may reference the past in a positive manner we acknowledge our ever-expanding progress that does not impede in our appreciation of the past and the present. For this purpose I believe that it's important for us to never concede regarding the progress of our our knowledge. To be held back the past is something that humans in the past have done but have never been able to fully control without taking certain characteristics of how the past handled that specific situation and try to mold it to fit into the current times. We should look towards the past in looking to adapt preemptive measures against those mistakes that were made, then. The application of those measures distinguish ourselves from the past and thus used the word "modern" since the early 12th century.
            Taking these main points into account I must stress the importance of the "exhalation of the present" in which we accelerate our own present time in this manner. Living in the present can be a more practical application of what it means to be modern. Otherwise, looking towards the future we may not be so cautious of what is happening right now. But modernity itself does not seem to be a misapplication of the things which make others seem avant-garde, rather it's something solely unique. Sometimes in order to progress in other areas of science you must revolt against the normality of the times in which becoming more modern as one might think. The essence of modernity in this case could be the progress that was achieved and afterwards they might not necessarily be modern anymore. Whenever the people of the current times advance past their own understanding of modernity into something more we might allow ourselves to call that post-modernity. I don't think that we are ever in a post-modern period of science, but that doesn't mean that certain aspects of our lives can be post-modern and others modern.

            We seem to be constantly trying to evolve beyond our definitions of modern and post-modern while simultaneously trying to erase those aspects that make up our culture. That is not to say that which makes up our culture is the sole result of modernity in action. Accepting the modernity while completing our goals of constant innovation and revolution is the necessary ingredient to our long lasting culture. Due to our consistencies with the aspects of modernity we can know exactly how much it takes for modern things to bloom. And as such we are careful of where we are extending our vast modern thinking towards, and rightfully so for if we put forth these ideals and concrete things forwards without much to speak for we cannot say that the project of modernity is anywhere near completion.

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